CANCELED Creighton Court Community Meeting
RRHA and TCB remain committed to open and transparent communication with the Creighton Court Tenant Council and residents of Creighton Court. Here are the ways to connect:
- Attend the 2021 virtual community meetings on:
- April 28, 2021 (Noon or 6 PM)
- July 28, 2021 (Noon or 6 PM)
- July 29, 2021 (6 PM)
- October 27 (Noon or 6 PM)
- Email CreightonRedevelopment@gmail.com
- Call the Information Line at (804) 780-4343
- Read the Creighton Court Connection, a quarterly newsletter that will be distributed to residents by hand and via email
Virtual Access Information for July 29 Meetings
- Join the video conference: https://zoom.us/j/98262502968?pwd=TVB2OW51U1dXMVIrZk1LM3VJVzVWdz09
- Join by phone call only: 301-715-8592 (Meeting ID: 982 6250 2968 | Passcode: 23223)