Jackson Ward Working Groups Kick-off Session
Your participation, feedback, and ideas are needed to make this endeavor a success! Join us on Tuesday, April 12 for the Working Groups Kick-off Session!
Working Groups are topic-specific groups charged with developing and reviewing content for the Jackson Ward Community Plan. The Working Group feedback will be incorporated into the Community Plan and guided by community input which will be collected in many ways—from surveys to large group meetings to table talks, pop-ups, and block walks.
The meeting will be conducted virtually via Zoom.
Meeting ID: 836 6840 7529
Passcode: 793749
Video conference link: https://lrk-inc.zoom.us/j/83668407529?pwd=WUFWa2pxbWdWT0RKdkJmcGRkbkxqZz09
Telephone only: 1-301-715-8592